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The Friendliest Flowers For Allergy Sufferers

Dr. Ilona DuBuske

While it is true that many flowers, especially those depending on the wind for pollination, can trigger major allergy issues, there are still many flowers that should not cause any distress to allergy sufferers.

Pollen allergy tends to be due to airborne pollen. In contrast, pollen of many flowering plants that depend on birds and bees for pollination tends to be non-allergic. Plants, like AZALEA and BEGONIA, release very little to no airborne pollen and are less likely to bring on an allergic reaction.

It is not usually the largest, brightest flowers that are causing your allergies. Most of those flowering plants have heavy and sticky pollen that doesn’t blow very far. On the contrary, small flowers that don’t have a lot of colors tend to produce huge quantities of light and dusty pollen that can travel great distances on the wind.

Wind-dispersed pollen is what has you running for the tissues. And windy days are the worst for this allergy.

Allergy-Friendly Flowers Include: Azalea, begonia, cactus, camellia, clematis, columbine, crocus, daffodil, dusty miller, geranium, hibiscus, hosta, hydrangeas, impatiens, iris, lilies, orchid, pansy, periwinkle, petunia, phlox, roses (although rose release pollen to the wind, most roses do not trigger nasal allergies/hay fever,) salvia, snapdragon, spring bulbs, thrift, tulip, verbena, and zinnia.

Flowers To Avoid: Aster, baby’s breath, dahlia, chamomile, chrysanthemums, daisies, goldenrod, and ordinary sunflowers.However, when people complain that fragrant flowers make them sneeze, it is usually due to their potent scents, rather than the pollen.

These flowers can still be a source of mild annoyance, but they do not aggravate allergies. In close proximity, they can cause migraines, headaches, and nausea.

If you suffer from migraines, avoid any even sweet-smelling flowers or enjoy them outdoors without bringing inside. These include angel's trumpet, Daphne, gardenia, hyacinth, jasmine, lilacs, and lilies.

Medications and allergy shots are effective medical treatment for many inhalant allergens, such as pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander.

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